Monday, July 19, 2010


FRIENDS OF JESUS MINISTRIES: A wounded MarriageMaggie Clark Johnson commented on Cornelius Bollier's photo: "Pastor Mike.. On the Radio this morning it was about a couple that had marriage problems and yes this was a christian station.. The woman said that she drove her husband away by being to demanding.. So she finally let GO.. GOD had to take over and work with the man how he the Lord knows his heart.. which he spoke (the man) saying it was fear.. He worked on the woman too.. She spoke of Galatians and when I got to work.. I opened my bible to find out what he the Lord wanted me to read.. it was then.. he answered my OWN prayer.. am I CRAZY?? He states in the scritpure the word Crazy.. and to follow with FAITH which is GOD"S SIGNED LAW.. this was before the 10 Commandments were even written.. it's GOD PROMISE TO ALL.. FOLLOW FAITH!! 1st and foremost though.. Except Jesus Christ into your heart.. That was the sign above ALL to show the world GOD"S LOVE!! It was JESUS FAITH that he followed his FATHER"S LAW.. and we are ALL SAVED because of this.. "

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