This was one of the most important event which was done by our churches in Nairobi Kenya. Kibera is one of the populated slums in Africa.This brings us to a point of asking ourselves about many question that we need to answer ourselves.
How can we reach our people for Christ i
f we can not go to them.
But how can we go to them if we are not send?.
Brothers and Sisters, this is the right time we need to go and preach to unreached as commanded by Jesus Christ Himself.`` ....
Go ye and make disciples..
Is there any time you have taken just to minister the word of God to your friend who is dying in sin without Jesus?. How do you use your resources that God has given to you?. How many widows have you just helped,orphans and vulnerable children. How do you spend your money? How have you been committed just in your time spreading the Gospel of Christ.
It is believed that in North Africa we had many Christian Churches before the

spread of Islam. But due to ignorance of some of the early churches with their love of their money and riches many African Christian had to turn into Muslim. This is very sad. All Christian need to wake up and stop this matter of saying every time
we shall pray, we shall pray and not doing something. Remember the Bible says `
faith without action is dead. How can your brother be without food and you keep on saying we shall pray brother?
Christians must wake up and use their resources to reach the world with the word of God. Instead of saying we shall pray.Our praying should be with doing something!!!
Our mission has organized reaching to the slums and rural villages with the gospel of Jesus Christ. We do this by doing door to door, mass procession, and crusades.
Please join us in spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ in Africa and other parts of the world.
You can do this by writing to us if you want us to include you in our team of this year programs. Please don`t hasted to miss this chance, we need you in our mission.
God bless you.
Pastor Mike
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