When we speak of missions, we are talking about all the church does to fulfill the mission or purpose of God. This would include such things as giving, going and praying for missions.
The command of Jesus to wait for the promise of the Father was not only for those first disciples in Jerusalem. It is for all believers of every age until Jesus comes again. We, like those early believers, must seek the face of God until the Holy Spirit comes upon us. Only then we will be adequately equipped to be His witness at home and to the ends of the earth.
Having promised His disciples power, Jesus ascended into heaven. As He disappeared from their sight two men ( angels) appeared before them. The angels challenged them. `` Why are you standing here staring into the sky? This same Jesus will come again in the same way you have seen Him go into heaven``
Jesus commanded His disciples to go into all the world and preach the gospel. And yet, He was insistent that they not begin the task, until they had first been clothed with power from on high. We, like those first- century disciples, have also been commanded to take the gospel to all nations. And we , too, must obey the command of Jesus to wait for the Spirit`s empowering. This empowering comes as a result of one`s being baptized in the Holy Spirit.
The purpose of their being filled with the Spirit is not for conversion but empowering for missional witness, as Jesus predicted in Acts 1:8 `` But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be my witness..........
As we go into the world to preach the gospel, we can anticipate resistance. Sometimes we will even experience threats and persecution. When this happens, we should remain focused on the task that God has given us.We should go and seek Him for a fresh infilling of the Holy Spirit. Our prayer should not focus on problems, but on God and ability to take care of us and meet our every need.
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