Kibera is one of the second largest slum in Africa with a total
of 1.2 million people living there. All the forty two tribes and other tribes around the world dwells in this place. Most of the people living here are desperate children and youth. Due to lack of job opportunities have made their parents poor of which has resulted to the spread of HIV/Aids epidemic.
Most of the youth are on drug addict for being idlers and women have engaged themselves in prostitution for them to earn a living but to those who are employed earn too little which can not sustain them. It is my appeal to the well wishers to pray for Kibera people for God to open up ways to assist this problem.
Kibera has many religion and believes of which require one to teach sound dotrine.
Pastor has lived in Kibera for more than twenty five years and doing evangelism. God called me to his people. I started evangelizing door to door and crusade still when I was young and I enjoy this work. Though it has its difficulties to the people we meet. Some don`t have bibles, this would force me to buy for them Bibles in Kiswahili. Kiswahili Bibles are very expensive and yet it is a language they can understand better.
"Where would you go when you die?" In African customs it is very hard to ask this question. In some houses when you ask this question they may think you have a plan of praying for one them to die. You need to pray to God to give you wisdom to how you can ask the question of which is very important. Most of the people will tell you I will go to heave. May I ask you the second quetion. If you were to find youself before God and He were to ask you, What can make me allow you into heaven. Here is a place whioch will make you know whether the person you are witnessing to is saved or not. For many will tell you many stories of what they do at church, community, neighbours, helping the poor and so on. For we are save not by work but by the grace of God through faith and that not by youslf..
I have enjoyed doing this work before the lord Jesus comes.
Would you like joining me in evangelism in Kibera. Please write to me if you have that call and ready to minister with me.
God bless you.
Pastor Mike.
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