what is a revived church?
what do I mean by a revived c church?
The word revived means to return to consciousness, or life, to recover life, vigor, or streangth, to become reanimated or reinvigorated, to become active operative, valid, or flourishing a gain.
It is a church where we see dynamic ( power ) of the Holy Spirit released ( see 4:14, 5:17, Acts 1:8, 6:8, 10:38, Rom. 15: 19 , ICor. 2:4, Eph. 3:16)
Where the Holy Spirit lives you will find lively, dynamic and powerful result. It is where people will say "man, I can not wait to get to the church. I love it. God is there. I don`t know what`s going to happen next. I am blown a way. This is an empowered church. It embosses " the season of revival" and experiencing God`s empowering presences as it creatively balances word and spirit structure and spontancity.
Revied church is beeing built together to become a dwelling in church.God lives by His Spirit Eph. 22:22. It is saturated with God.
Renewal is an adventure of agony and acstacy of losing and winning of conflict in a change requiring steady character. Three challenges face Revival churches. managing conflicts,motivating change and modelling character.
The Holy Spirit courses change while tensions mount. The initial effect is after conflict and sometimes divisions. More battle are fought over change than theology. Most of us don`t like changes but we like safe environment.
Most of us fall into one of four tendences in our personality types.
1. Radicals, 2.Progressives,3. Coservatives, and 4.Traditionalist.
Are the source of many good ideas and provide " leaving " in the dough mix.They tend to be impulse and at time unwise. They operate in an emotional climate . They are early starters with quick burnout. They will help motivate and empower change. The Radical push the envelop and look like rebels. They can threaten conservatives and traditionalists. They say, Let`s go for it.
Are turned into and anticipate the need for change.They are risk - takers who live on the edge but they are not hasty. They operate in operational climate. They quickly persive the benefits in good planning and well spearhead new directions. They don`t go by old programs and are the best communicators to the conversations. They provide spirit and stability in change . They say Let`s go for it but let`s slow down.
They see the value of the status of quo and do not have a felt need for change. Many of them join a church because it satisfies their needs. They will anger the progressives and radicals because they ask the strategic questions that those groups don`t expect from them. They operate in a rational climate and are not hasty. Financially they give most. Radical don`t have it and progressive don`t keep it. They say, well maybe let`s go, but why do we have to.
Are extremely resistant to change and have a tendency to be hostile angry and vocal about change. They will complain and argue although they sound rational, they operate in an emotional climate , progressive perceive them as enemies or obstacles. They do not support change and in the rare case they undergo changes. They say I don`t want to go!.
Can you see yourself generally in one of the above categories?.Do you see how you can be helpful or hinderance to God - inspired change which might course conflict in the church?. Churches fall in one of these four categories.
Radicals and progressives might lead revived churches but they need conservatives and the raditionalist to support them. Because fear and comfort form the root of resistance to change
Galatians 5: 25.
Since we live by the spirit, lets us keep in step with the spirit.
In my daily life, I have experience how one can live only by the spirit of God. I know this is not an easy job but it pays.
At my back you can see the lake Victoria which is the larggest lake in Africa and second in the world, this is Entebbe beach in Uganda.There is also an international air port just one kilometre from where I am standing.I had a faith reaching there and now it has come true.
How do we live by the spirit?
To live by the spirit is unnerving yet exciting, full of tensions yet peace, with strange yet wonderful outcome. We are open with unbridle expectation for him to move, urge and guide , by obedient and risky faith fastened to the father a genda.
The world did not set agenda for Jesus. People could not predict what he would do or say next because he had no plan but sought what the Father wanted.
He did not operate from programs. He waited for God`s urging and Spirit guiding. As a chance we have done a lot. Planned great services, sponsored exciting conferences and rallies without much prayers of inquiring of the Lord.
You need to come to a place in your life where you should lay down down at the alter of sacrifice through
repentance and reflections.Beeing asking yourself where is the spirit leading, moving and directing me.On who is the Spirit abiding or anointing. You need to decrease or differ regarding your position. You need to feel demoted to junior, right where God`s wants you to the low road of
brokeness, submission and servanhood.
We live by spirit as we yield to Him as we submit our plans, our programs, and personal lives to the spirit in advance
To live by the spirit also means like King Jehoshaphat of what he did by inquiring from the lord
The Bible says that without faith it is impossible to please God. ( Heb. 11: 6.)
God shows up move often when the doors of faith and expectance is open than the doors when closed.
The heart of living by spirit is to walk in the annointing God`s gives us to walk in His presence and power ( Acts 10: 38 declares)
An anointing is a supernatural enablements grace, manifested presence of the Holy Spirit operating upon or through individual or corporate group to pronounce the works of Jesus Christ.
By Pastor Mike
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