Kenya is a country in the Eastern part of Africa with 42 tribes in total. It also has other tribes and races from all over the world.
Kibera is the largest slum in Kenya in Nairobi province and is a home to an estimated 1.2 million people. It is an illegal settlement with no government services such as electricity, water, or sewage.
Most people who live here are poor and unemployed, but those working earn below a dollar a day.
Pamela is a member of our church. She works as a house maid, her earning per month is 1,500/= ($20.82). She pays house rent of 800/= ($11.10) per month; the remaining amount cannot feed the family, buy water, or provide clothes for the children.
It only takes a hand of God for survival. Children get out of school to the street in search of food from the garbage. Even though we have some toilets built by the N.G.O.s, they charge so high for slum dwellers to use them for they end up using the
flying toilets.
Most people are hopeless. When people look out on Kibera all they see is garbage, rusted shacks and hopelessness.
When we look at Kibera through the eyes of Jesus we see people in need of Him, a saviour in their lives. These people are very welcoming and eager to hear about Jesus.
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