Would you please suport Pastor Mike Igunza get his higher Education in PAN AFRICA CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY by send your support to him so that he may pay his fees.
Please check the fees structure and see whether you can help.
I will be happy to receive any donation from you. You may send through Western money Union Kenya.
God bless you.
You are my friends if you do whatsoever I command you!! John 15: 14
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Monday, June 6, 2011
Awino had just left her house for a nearby shopping center. Odoyo the neighbour came in and stole all the food Awino had left to feed her family. This was during the hard times our country was experiencing. There was no food, things were very expensive and also there was food shortage. The two kilograms of flour you could buy it at 130ksh and not easily found. Awino who is a widow in the slums of Kibera Nairobi Kenya in a single room 10 by 10 feet, had just lost husband because of the big disease as they call it, three years ago. Leaving her with afamily of eight . She had just borrowed some money amounting below a dolar to buy a quarter kilo flour, cooking salad at 10 Ksh, sukuma wiki ( green vegetable) at 20ksh, and a 20ksh paraffin for the stove.
"MY God..... oh my God!!...................... what shall I do? where will I get the other money to buy food for my family?. Why? Odoyo, why............ Awino had just used all the money borrowed from her neighbor and it was already at night and children were waiting for food to go to bed. Children could be heard crying for starvation. Odoyo what is this you have done? can`t you be ashamed of yourself? for how long will you be doing this? lamented some of his neighbors. Some shouted kill him.......... kill him.......... Odoyo does not want to to go work, this is the habit he has developed. Should we kill him?
During the South Africa Truth and Reconciliation Commission, there was a man who confessed how he killed and burned the bodies of a black anti-apartheid activists. On the other hand, a woman whose son had been killed and burned was asked what action should be taken against this man. I just want to hug him so that he ( the killer) can experience the love parents have for their children" she said.
Despite the fact that some situation may be hard to forgive, there is power in healing, peace and even joy in forgiveness. For example a wife may find it difficult to forgive an abusive husband but still, God grants her the strength to forgive and touch the heart of such abusive husbands. Let as pray God to give us grace to forgive. Forgiveness is not a day thing. It is along process for those who have been abused or are in an abusive relationships or those who have lost their loved ones in mysterious circumstances and suspect foul play.
What do you do when you are in a search situation? Do you want to divorce your wife or husband for what he did to you? Would you pray God to give you an forgiving heart? God bless you.
Pastor Mike
Monday, May 9, 2011
Origins of the wedding ring
Rings in the Bible
The Bible gives no indication that finger rings were used as betrothal or nuptial rings. The signet ring is the earliest type of ring mentioned in the Bible. When Tamar disguised herself as a harlot to entice her father-in-law, Judah, she asked him for his signet, cord, and staff as a pledge for his promise to send her "a kid from the flock" (Gen 38:17-19). Jeremiah informs us that the Israelites wore the signet ring on the right hand (Jer 22:24). The signet ring was used to seal various contracts. It was a symbol of authority, dignity, and social status (James 2:2). Pharaoh gave his signet ring to Joseph as a symbol of authority (Gen 41:42). Likewise, Ahasuerus gave his signet to Haman to seal a royal decree (Esth 3:10, 12). Upon his return the prodigal son received a ring from his father as a symbol of dignity (Luke 15:22).
The finger rings mentioned in the Bible are signet rings used as symbol of authority and dignity. The Romans are credited for pioneering the use of the signet ring as a betrothal ring. The Jews and the Christians borrowed the practice from the Romans. Since the betrothal ceremony usually involved the groom giving a sum of money or a valuable object to the bride, it was a natural transition to make this object a ring
Friday, April 22, 2011
Good Friday!
The time had come. And already has come when Jesus said it is finished!!
He cried on the cross. Just because of me. So that I may become the way I am. Were it not Jesus Christ of Nazareth son of God, I was dying in my sin and perishing. He paid the penalty of my sins on the cross. I am a free man!!
It was a hard time that had not been experienced in the history of mankind. God dying on the cross just because of you and me. Jesus cried. Father why have you forsaken me.
How do you feel when your beloved son tells you about that?
Pastor Mike
Thursday, March 3, 2011
What is causing the quarrels and the fights among you? Don’t they come from the evil desires at war within you? You want what you don’t have so you scheme and kill to get it. You are jealous of what others have, but you can’t get it, so you fight and wage war to take it away from them. Yet you don’t have what you want because you don’t ask God for it. And even when you ask you don’t get it because your motives are all wrong – you want only what will give you pleasure.
You adulterers! Don’t you realize that friendship with the world make you an enemy of God? I say it again: If you want to be a friend of the world, you make yourself an enemy of God.
What do you think the scriptures mean when they say that the Spirit God placed within us is filled with envy?
But He gives us even more grace to stand against such evil desires. As the scripture says:
God opposes the proud
But favors the humble”
So humble yourselves before God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.
Come close to God, and God will come close to you.
Wash your hands, you sinners, purify your hearts for your loyalty is divided between God and the world.
Let there be tears for what you have done. Let there be sorrow and deep grief. Let there be sadness instead of laughter, and gloom instead of joy.
Humble yourselves before the lord and He will lift you up in honor.
How many times have you been coming close to God? Remembering what we do to our brothers and sisters. We kill, destroy even murder and fight. God is not happy with what we do. He wants us to repent and seek forgiveness and have good fellowship with Him.
Pastor Mike
Saturday, February 19, 2011
“Then Philip ran up to the chariot and heard the man reading Isaiah the Prophet.
Do you understand what you are reading? Philip asked.
How can I he said unless someone explain it to me.
So he invited Philip to come up and sit with him.”
Acts 8:30 -31
-People around the world are still facing this man’s dilemma. How can they understand the word of God if no one come to explain it to them?.
God had arranged for Philip to locate the Ethiopian eunuch the precise e moment when he was reading the messianic prophecy of Isaiah 53.
God of all the earth swathe Eunuch’s spiritual hunger and sent a spirit-filled messenger to lead him to salvation.
God miraculous intervention was obvious in the preparation of the Eunuch’s heart, the calling of Philip, the prophecy of Isaiah, the timing of the meeting, the eunuch’s decision to believe, the sudden discovery of water in the desert, the supernatural transportation of Philip from the scene and the great joy of the eunuch as he continued on his way home. God had arranged the Gospel to enter Africa.
Have you ever realize that the God of heaven an earth knows the struggling and suffering you are undergoing or passing through. He knows the true people who are truly searching for Him with their hearts.
He is making arrangement and timing on how He can meet your needs. The desire of your heart.
1Peter 3;12.
“ For the eyes of the lord are on the righteous and His ears are attentive to their prayers, but the face of lord is against those who do evil”.
I don’t know whether you have tried to ask yourself whether the eunuch new that God was sending someone to meet him. Neither did Philip know that God was sending him to meet the Ethiopian eunuch in Africa?
Was it not the work of the Holy Spirit that arranged for that?
Trust in the lord this may be your date to meet a divine intervention in your life.
Trust in the lord and have faith in Jesus Christ and see what God is going to do for you.
Pastor Mike
Saturday, February 12, 2011
God’s mission is His divine plan to advance His kingdom throughout of the the world through the preaching of the Gospel.
What is a mission?
It is a coordinated set of activities that are used to reach a specific goal.
God created an entire garden of Eden for the first couple to live in it and to take care for Him. He left one tree from which Adam and Eve were not to eat. This was done to give them a chance to obey God willingly.
Satan came to the woman and tempted her to doubt the truthfulness, love, and wisdom of God.
What do you think may be the result of sinning?
God is never guilty of sin, but sin causes Him pain.
Sin causes heartbreaking problems into our lives.
It brings shame like what happened to Adam and Eve. For this was the first time in their lives to try to cover their shame, however their effort was not satisfactory.
Sin causes separation from God and each other.
Man will always try to cover his sins. Just like what Adam and Even did. Our effort to cover our sins are always inadequate. To day people try to cover their sins with.
Fine clothing,
Doing good things
None of these can take a way our sins before God.
Did God know where Adam and Eve was hiding after sinning?
That is a big yes. Who are you to hide from your creator?
God knows everything. He knew exactly where Adam and Eve were, and He also knew what they had done. However, He was giving the first couple a chance to confess their sins and repent.
How many times has your creator given you chance to confess and repent your sins?..................
Did Adam an Even repent?.............
The first Gospel is found in Genesis 3:15.
“ I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers, he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel”
God had to give a promise to mankind. He was promising to intervene in human history to save fallen humanity.
Also in Genesis 12:3. God gave Abraham one of the crucial or central promise in the entire Bible.
“ and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you”
Abraham children would become a nation of their own, a kingdom of priest with mandate to bless the whole world.
We are blessed through this promise as we consider what Jesus Did on the cross when He said it is finished. We can come to God through Jesus Christ.
Think about your live and what God has for you, have you been covering your sins the way the first couple did? Do you take time to confess what you might have done to your neighbor, think about your relation with your creator and your neighbor. What about your family? Have you been faithful to your spouse? God loves mankind and what to restore what was lost. He wants to rebuild the broken fellowship with mankind.
He is always there for us.
Pastor Mike
Friday, December 31, 2010
I know it has been a year of struggling and hardship in whatever you have been experiencing. You might have been seated at the beautiful gate waiting for Peter and John to pass by and give you gold and silver. Did you ever realized that this cripple man could walk? What about himself. Do you think he was expecting a miracle of walking? What do you think he wanted from Peter and John? Did he know for sure Peter and John had someone who could be a solution to his life?
Why do you think this man was he taken to the gate but not in the temple?
Do you think the people around this man had a hope of him getting well?
What do you expect Jesus to do for you next year? the year 2011?
Have you ever tried HIM? Would you like to do so?
You may be cripple like this man. You don't move, you are holding a dead ministry, a dead mission which does not Go Ye as commanded by Jesus in Matthew 28: 19,dead marriage, dead business, you may be also dead spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically.
This is a year of a walk!! In name of Jesus of Nazareth, stand up and walk!
This is what has been a problem in our lives. Sometimes we don't know where our help can come from but let me assure you that our God is not a sleep. He does not wear a watch but He is always on time. Our eternal God does not measure time in the same way we do. A thousand years seem endless to us but to Him it is nothing because He stands above time.
God bless you and a happy new year 2011.
Pastor Mike
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
“No……., no I am tired of you! I won’t accept your apology! A way from my sight, you silly man! I don’t know why I got married to a such foolish man? Why have you repeated this………. Why, why? you think I don’t have people to help me?” Akinyi could be heard lamenting and cursing her husband. Near her children and animal stood staring at her. A voice of a man could be heard in a low tune begging her, Akinyi please, Akinyi please, forgive me, forgive me, I beg you! But Akinyi on her climax could not listen to that.
“Last year you treated me like this and I forgave you, This year again…… again, no…….. I don’t want. You plus this the so called Mother- inlaw you have always been backbiting and mistreating me. For how long will you continue doing this?. Since I got married to you people I have never got any peace at all!. I am now going to apply for a divorce. I am blaming myself to have married to a such man who is useless. A man who does not know how to take care and look after his family ”said akinyi. She could be seen wiping her tears with an old handkerchief
Akinyi lives in a rural village whereby farming is the main economic activity. She has one acre piece of land. And does mixed farming. Rateng her husband on the other hand, since he has no hope in future has taken drinking as his lifestyle. He has been stealing chicken for sell so that he may get one tin of local bear.
This issue has been a thorn in the flesh of Akinyi. She does not sleep at all, and she is growing thin and thinner. There is a time she fainted and thought that she was bewitched by one of her neighbor but thank God a pastor came and took her to the village hospital. It was found that Akinyi is developing some ulcers.
Oriedo is one among the friends of Rateng. Who is believed to be spoiling Rateng. There is a time when Akinyi met him on the way and became sick just after seeing him. “I hate this man! Said Akinyi. I am praying for him to died! “Why just my husband”. Akinyi was so angry with him.
The Bible says in Ephesians 4: 31-32
“ Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and evil speaking be put a way from you with all malice
And be kind to one another even as God for Christ sake has forgiven you”
Resentment is that deep feeling of displeasure or anger that we have toward someone because of past offense.
It is our painful memory of past hurt. It is the greatest enemy of right relationship. It destroys friendship and turns friends into enemies. But the most damaging effect of resentment is the destruction of the one who hold it.
If we hold on to resentment, it can grow into bitterness. Bitterness affect our health, our minds, our personality and relationship with God.
Bitterness affect our health. It is poison to our body. Resentment, bitterness, hatred, an unforgiveness can cause ulcer, high blood pressure, and a dozen of other sickness. 90 percent of our illness are caused by anger, fear, resentment and bitterness.
Holding bitterness in your heart can cause you loose sleep, and be tired most of time. Take a way enjoyment of your food, kill your happiness. It affect our minds and bring depression .It affect our personality for the more we resent someone or think about him we become like him. When you focus your emotion on someone you become like that person. It also affect our relation with God. For if you don’t forgive you are asking God not to forgive you.
Forgiveness set us free for it is the only one thing that can set us free from resentment and bitterness. Forgiveness is not trying to forget what happened to you, but it is bearing the wrong or injury of yourself an choosing to remember no more.
Forgiveness is so costly. The one who is forgiving pays the price of the injury or evil committed. In order for Christ to forgive us. He had to pay the price or the penalty of our sins by dying on the cross. It is costly to forgiven. It is costly to forgive but it is more costly not to forgive.
How can we return from bitterness to forgiveness.
-Recognize God is our judge Romans 12:19. Don1t revenge but leave it to God.
- Confess your sins to God. If you hold bitterness know that you are sinning.
- Pas the sentence of death upon resentment and bitterness.
- Forgive just as Christ has forgiven you.
- Trust for the Holy Spirit to make your forgiveness real. Forgiving others and getting rid of bitterness is a result of our working together with the Holy Spirit. We can not do it a lone and the Holy Spirit can not do it a part from our choice. But we must work together with Him.
Divorcing your spouse is not the solution for your marriage. It is good to reconcile with your spouse and allow the Holy Spirit to help you. For any suffering and struggling you are undergoing remind God in prayer and He will help you. Put your trust in God and He will care for you.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
They killed my husband and set the house on fire!

Friday, November 5, 2010
Pastor Mike Igunza November 4 at 1:27pm
There once was a little boy who had a bad temper. His father gave him a bag of nails and told him that every time he lost his temper, he must hammer a nail into the back of the fence. The first day the boy drove 37 nails into the fence. Over the next few weeks, as he learned to control his anger, the number of nails hammered daily gradually decreased. He discover it was easier to hold his temper than to drive the nails into the fence. Finally the day came when the boy didn`t lose his temper at all. He told his father about it and the father suggested that the boy now pull out one nail for each day that he was able to hold his temper. The day passed and the young boy was finally able to to tell his father that all the nails were gone.
The father took his son by the hand and led him back to the fence. He said, You have done well, my son, but look at the holes in the fence. The fence will never be the same. When you say things in anger, they leave a scar on people just like the nails left scars on the fence. Even when we ask others to forgive us and we ask God to forgive us, hurtful, hurtful, ugly and angry leave a scar on the peoples heart
Friday, September 17, 2010
Prophet Zephaniah has a lot to say about people who do not learn the lesson that God is trying to teach them. The message to the people of Jerusalem is centered on their lack of attention to the things God was trying to show them. Many times this inability to learn from our mistakes of others comes from a heart that does not see the consequences of our actions. How good are you at learning from your own mistakes?. How good are you at looking at the mistakes of others and taking warning from them? Will you be a minister or a leader who refuses to acknowledge that you are wrong and continues to make mistakes? Or will you be a minister who constantly asks God to reveal those aspects of your life that need to be changed and improved? The way you answer these questions can determine how well you survive the challenges of life.
Please view
Pastor Mike
Monday, August 23, 2010
The Call of God
Before God call us to do He call`s us to be He child. When we forget this we are prone to a myriad of problems such as anxiety, restlessness, frustrations, burnout, and pride.
When we fulfill our highest calling as His child, and we are becoming like Jesus Christ, then from us will flow rivers of living waters that will give life to people around us through whatever occupation we do.
John 7: 38
We will not see ourselves as the source but as channels of His life and Love.
Let Jesus lead you in every plans you have to do and you will have success.
Please view our blog.
Pastor Mike
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Is anything too hard for our God?

Is anything too hard for our God?" said Alice as she sat beside me narrating her story the miracle she received from God. Pastor Mike, our God is great!! " Amen." I responded. Nobody bothered to help me Alice had just completed her education, what is called the Fourth Form for the Secondary Education.
As she narrated her story about her life in school and how she went through hardship just for getting a single penny to pay for her school fees.
Alice comes from a rural village which has been a abandoned by the government for development. Poverty is the main issue there.
She worked in people`s farms so as to get money for school fees.
As we look at the story of Sarah in the Bible, Sarah first laughed at the lord`s promises because of her unbelief. But we know that later she did believe, and God was able to give her a son.
God can not work where there is unbelief. " By faith Sarah herself also received strength to conceive seed and she bore a child when she was passed the age, because she judged Him faithful who had promised. ( Hebrew 11:11)
God knows all our thoughts and inner reactions to His promises. Know my friend, it Pays to believe God! Put all your trust in Him and see what He will do for you!
Pastor Mike
Monday, August 2, 2010
Confessing to your Spouse

Confessing to your Spouse
Pastor Mike Igunza August 2 at 3:17pm
The best place to start for a spouse who fell their marriage needs mutual support is the confession.
When we confess, our strengths, potentials, and fault, we open the door to real love.
When at fault, seek forgiveness before you explain yourself, for explanation are requests, not for forgiveness, but for understanding.
please view http://friendsofjeusministries.blogspot.com/
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Our prayers
The prayer of Jesus helps us understand our mission in this world.
- We are to represent Jesus to non- Christians
- We are to be different from the people of the world
- We are to demonstrate God `s love to others
I fail to know whether you have taken a moment in your life and all this years God has given you to minister to his creation about the good news?.
Have you been faithful with the time God has given you? Do you pay the ten percent of the time God has given you? Just spending in prayers, meditating of His word, just being in His presence, How have you plan for this day? have many hours have you given to God? What about His monies?
Please view http://friendsofjesusministries.blogspot.com/
Pastor Mike
Friday, July 30, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
How can we know of God`s compassion for us even when He seems far away? Life is not easy even for Christians. We are not immune from things such as trials, difficulties, dangers , insecurity, depressions, illness and lost of loves one.
Often, on the other side of hardship we are better people for having endure difficulty. If God doesn`t miraculously deliver us, we still can be honored that He has trusted us to be a part of His overall plan.
The whether was calm a s I ministered in the slums of Kibera Nairobi Kenya along the railway line. This is the path that most people use when going to their jobs in Industrial area and house maid. Though people looked so poor and hopeless still they were eager to listen about this our Lord Jesus. I love ministering in Kibera for I have stay there for over twenty years. This was my good day for I had just reached for one hundred peolpe who gave their lives to Jesus Christ.
Pastor Mike
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