LUKE 23: 39 - 43
If you were to stand between crossroad which direction would you choose to go?
LUKE 23 : 39 - 43
One of the criminals on the cross began to shout insult at Jesus. "Aren`t you the Christ? Then save yourself and us"
But the other criminal stopped him and said "You should fear God! You are getting the same punishment he is.
We are punished justly, getting what we deserve for what we did. But this man has done nothing wrong
Then he said " Jesus remember me when you come into your kingdom.
Jesus said to him " I tell you the truth, to day you will be with me in paradise"
- There are times when God send thunder to stir us. Times when God send blessing to us , but time when God send nothing but silence as He honour us with freedom to choose where we will spend eternity.
In some areas of life we don`t have choose. Like your gender, your children, the race, tribe, whether tall or short. This belongs to God Himself.
- Sometimes our lack of choose anger us so much . You complain why you were born in a poor family, why you were born in Europe, Africa,or America.
When God gave Adam and Eve a free choose or will, did they chose eternity or death? You complain God having made you the way you are. The color of your hair, your structure, your nose, your mouth,or eyes. How about God choosing to give you eternal life through His Only begottern Son. Is it not fair?
Think about the thief on the cross the one who did not repent. Though we know little about him. But what we know was that he made bad mistakes in his life. He chose the wrong crowd, the wrong morals, the wrong behaviour.
He never recognized that he had a saviour.
How many times do we fail to recognize Jesus in our lives?
- But would you consider his life a waste? Is he spending eternity reaping the fruit of all the bad choises he made?
You have made some bad choises in life, haven`t you? You have chosen the wrong friends, maybe the wrong carer, even the wrong spouse, and a wrong decision.
You will say I wish I knew i would have choise eternal life!
How could two brothers be born of the same mother, grow up together or the same home, one choose life and the other chose death? Why did the two men one chose to mock Jesus and the other chose to pray for him? And when he prayed, Jesus loved him and save him.
This happens to us as we live here on the earth. Brother! choose Jesus Christ as Lord and saviour.
Would you take time and prayed Jesus Christ to come into your life? As we remember what He did for us on the cross.
Take time and think about your life, what choises have you made in life. Is it for eternal or death. The choise is yours!!!
Pastor Mike